Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Secret Unfolds

Deepak Chopra introduced Bill Farley to the Amalaki fruit secret, the magic behind this unprecedented opportunity began. As most people know, Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned preeminent leader in the field of body and mind medicine. He is the author of 45 books, including 12 bestsellers which brought sales of over 20 million copies. Time Magazine labeled him as "the prophet-poet of alternative medicine."

Creating dynamic balance in all areas of health through the use of botanical medicines, lifestyle routines, and healthy dietary practices is called Ayurveda... a 5000 year old medical system from India.

The Amalaki Fruit is thought to contain the most concentrated natural source of Vitamin C in nature. This little green fruit is also a potent anti-inflammatory, elixir for the skin and hair, digestive aid, and metabolic enhancer. It is the single most important botanical in Ayurveda for promoting cellular rejuvenation, immune function and increased vitality.

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To your health and wealth success.

Peace and Love
