Monday, February 18, 2008
Did Heath Ledger have to die?
Why didn't his medical doctor(s) ask or tell him that the possibility of this happening to him existed? WHY didn't HE know that something like that could happen? He seemed like a very intelligent young man to me and anyone taking medication should be informed of the "dangers" that combinations of medications can do.
It's like drinking a fifth of whiskey, snorting a bunch of cocaine and then smoking some crack all during the same night and even though it was legalized drugs that he took, combinations can, and obviously DO, kill you.
What were his symptoms? He had headaches, pain in his body, insomnia, couldn't stay awake when he needed to be, and so he took one of the most dangerous drugs available to him. Here's just one of them and it's reactions to taking it; ambien.
Ambien is marketed in Australia as Stilnox, and has been linked with dangerous side effects. More than 500 people responded to a national drug reactions hotline last year, reporting bizarre behaviour after taking the drug. Two months ago, Australia's medicines regulator ordered that packs of Stilnox carry warnings that the drug can cause people to walk, eat, drive or have sexual intercourse in their sleep. They now also warn Stilnox can cause rage reactions, confusion, agitation and hallucinations.
Great stuff people, isn't it? Look, the point here isn't to drag Heath's name through the mud but only to show you that there are other alternatives to just taking prescription medications all the time, for things that natural cures can do for you, as in ayurveda medicine.
The fruit Amalaki has often been considered the most effective source for, among other things, promoting cellular rejuvenation, enhancing immune function, and increasing vitality. Recent studies suggest that Tulsi may be effective as a painkiller and may help reduce glucose and cholesterol levels. It also has antioxidant properties.
Schizandra may also help mental function and memory. It is used in many tonic formulations as an astringent, while in traditional Chinese medicine it is used to resist infections, increase skin health, and combat insomnia. Ginger has shown evidence of aiding the movement of the gastrointestinal tract and have antibacterial, sedative, antipyretic, and analgesic properties.
These ingredients are found in Ayurvedic medicine and perhaps if Heath Ledger knew of alternative methods to curing his perceived problems, it is possible that he could still be with us today.
I dislike the fact that doctors in the western medical field are always ready to give you the drug of choice, or a drug that the pharmaceutical companies are pushing at the moment. There are alternatives and we should all at least be informed so we can make better choices for our bodies; choices that are SAFER and in the long run a healthier alternative to drugs.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Meet the Co-Founders of the Center Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon
Here are the purveyor's of Ayurvedic Medicine and the co-owners of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Their Center endorses the Amalaki beverage produced by Zrii owned by Bill Farley, the master brander and Horatio Alger award winner. Watch this video and get to know them . . .
Afterwards, leave your comments here or join my team by clicking on this link at:
or subscribe for more information on the form at the top right. Get to know what is sweeping the nation and get in at the top of the company with me by joining the FASTEST GROWING LEG of the company.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bells Palsy Cured With Zrii The Amalaki Health Beverage
Late last year, I suffered something called Bells Palsy. For those who don't know what that is it's the 7th cranial nerve going bonkers. The 7th Cranial nerve starts from the back of your head and wraps around to the front of your face one on each side.
Those nerves control the muscles that control your smile, blinking of your eyes, lifting or lowering your eyebrows, opening or closing your lips . . . as you can tell, when it's on the fritz, so is everything you take for granted like eating, keeping your eyes moist with blinking, flaring of your nostrils . . . well you get what I mean, don't you?
So bells palsy causes a side of your face, usually the left side and don't ask me why, to become paralyzed. So on one side you're smiling and the other side looks eerily dead.
I was shocked and worried because for about four days I thought I had suffered a stroke. I mean, what did I know about bells palsy? And I was away from home travelling and I wouldn't be able to see my doctor until I returned home 4 days later.
I am writing a detailed report on this and some other maladies of the modern human, but I do want to tell you how things worked out and how ZRII HELPED CURE my palsy.
As you've read here in my blog (and if you haven't, you should) Zrii has anti-inflammatory properties and, as I researched out, it's the inflammation that presses on the nerve and causes it to go bye-bye in the first place. The causes of bells palsy are long and varied and I will write more about this in my report, but let me continue with my story here . . .
So I get back home late so I had to wait one more day before I could get into see the doctor. After finally getting in and waiting for what seemed like forever, he walks into the examination room, takes one look at me and says, "you have bells palsy".
I'm thinking, "what the heck is bells palsy?" and he proceeds to explain. After explaining he prescribes prednisone which is considered a pretty dangerous steroid; at least that's how I see it.
Again, I'll go into more details in my report but I decided right there and then I wasn't going to take it. Then I thought, "well, I am a Zrii executive so I might as well make my REAL WORLD test for Zrii since it has disease fighting, anti inflammatory and immune building properties!"
Normally for bells palsy it takes at least three months to cure or for it to go away but I told myself that I would do it in two weeks using various techniques. I figure I'm a healer and have healed many, then why not myself, right?
So I rested, drank around 4 ounces a day of Zrii and within two weeks I noticed that my face was almost 95% back to normal and Zrii had a big part of that fast recovery. That and all the positive thoughts and prayers I received really did the trick.
Now if you'll read over to the right side of this page you'll see more and more testimonials coming in from regular folk like you and me. This is really happening and is really working. It has the endorsement to The Chopra Center for Well Being and Wellness.
You can get your Zrii Health Beverage Drink by visiting my website at:
where you become my preferred customer and save yourself another 25% of the retail price. You can also become part of my team members who are already enjoying some financial freedom, not to mention helping those that they love too.
Just click on any of the links on this page and it will take you to my website or you can call me at the numbers listed on my page.
Take care of TWO of your New Year's resolutions of health and wealth. Join me today.
Peace and Love
Jorge #1231640
Friday, November 2, 2007
What a Great Time We Had!
Center for Wellness, Dr. David Simon while he rode with some of
us in the car after the ceremony. He is approachable, likable,
and a highly intelligent but down to earth individual.
I'm standing next to my best friend, mentor and sponsor, Michael Penland and his wife Sherry. And here are my friends Kris, Lee and Robin, Matt and Kim, and Jessica and Eric .
Eric by the way is the number one earner of the company and was honored as such.

I'm standing next to the number 2 earner of the company, our leader of the Zream team, Karl Jacobsen.
I talk about this and present this here because this the health beverage of the future today!! The company is top notch and world class. It is run by Bill Farley and the product is endorsed by the Deepak Chopra Center of Wellness of southern California.
We are the fastest growing leg of the company so when you sign up with me here you come in at the TOP and only three away from the company itself. You also join the fastest growing leg of the company and team up with us that have the TOP TWO EARNERS of the company.
Zrii is a movement, a family and a destination to health, wealth and the peace and freedom to live your life as you see fit.
This positioning along with the timing of this amazing product arriving in the North American market for the very first time, offers an explosive opportunity for you to capitalize and gain:
More Free Time to spend with family; Passive Residual Income for Years to come; A Lifestyle most only dream about; and a chance to make a real difference in the lives of others...
Please, don't let this train leave the station and just watch it go by... Take a good look at this!
Join me now by taking these three steps:
- Call 1-800-601-2104 for a 3 minute sizzle call
- Call 1-405-244-4116 for a 15 minute business overview
and then visit my website to see what all the excitement is about at:
Sign in there and then I will contact you within 24 hours and get you signed up. I still have some juicy positions for you including some really good bonuses.
Also please sign up to receive my newsletters by signing in at the top and to the right.
The first annual Zrii Convention is already generating a lot of interest. So much interest, in fact, that we are anticipating some very special guests to be in attendance. In order to accommodate these guests, we have changed the date of the Zrii Convention to May 22-24, 2008.
So join me there and say hello knowing that you joined the fastest and most prolific team of the whole company. See you here and there.
Peace and Love,
Jorge Arguello ID#1231640
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Why Zrii Is So Needed In Today's Stressful World
People practiced AYURVEDA, which simply means the Science of Life. Ayurveda is 5000 years old. It seems that people knew something then that we long forgot. They knew about Amalaki, a little green fruit the size of a golf ball, grown at the base of the Himalayas, naturally and organically grown, harvested and cold pressed for maximum absorption.
In ayurveda, the Amalaki fruit is widely considered to be the most rejuvenating super-fruit and for over 5,000 years, Ayurveda has valued Amalaki for its rejuvenating, vitality-enhancing, and anti-aging properties.
Today the Amalaki fruit is scientifically formulated with a blend of synergistic herbs.
Zrii is an effective new liquid nutritional drink that is rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
Created with pomegranate, pear, and grape juices, Zrii is rich in antioxidants, free-radical scavenging polyphenols, and bio-stable Vitamin C; the highest C available.
Zrii's proprietary amalaki formulation benefits you and your health because of the following rejuvenating and detoxifying herbs:
- Turmeric - Improves circulation, digestion, and reduces inflammation
- Tulsi - Improves digestion and intestinal health
- Ginger- Improves digestion, absorption, and assimilation
- Haritaki- Serves as a mild-detoxifier
- Schizandra- Has antioxidant and detoxifying effects
- Jujube- Protects the digestive system and has mild rejuvenating effects
The combinations of these botanicals and fruits also have:
To become a member of my team so you can be prosperous as well as healthy Join the me now at:
and be a part of the fastest growing team of Zrii. A new age is upon us and this is your ticket to a more satisfying healthy life as well as a wealthy lifestyle.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Are You Ready? Potential Partners Are Ready to be Part of Your Lifeline
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What's New at Amalaki Health Secret and Zrii?
Something really spectacular happened for Zrii. Zrii will be Featured in the premier Network Marketing Business Journal as "New Kid on the Block" in October just in time for the company launch, October 1st.
Now, reprints of this 4 page, full color feature will become available for all that join making this marketing tool a powerful addition to the Zrii DVD coming out in October, featuring interviews with Bill Farley and Dr. David Simon.
If you ever have wished to be at the right place at the right time, then, my friend, guess what? You are! And you are going to see advertisements everywhere because of the branding process. Join my team, the Rock Star Zriim Team and get in on this right away
A billion dollar brand is about to take flight and you have the unique opportunity to be at the very top, with me and with a team of successful entrepreneurs and leaders! I even have seen ads in business opportunity magazines and wait till Bill Farley REALLY rolls this thing out!
Thanks to the leadership of Bill Farley and our incredible product, endorsed by the Chopra Center for Well Being, I have seen explosive growth in our team in just a short time.
Let's Talk about Training
Now you want to understand more about the dynamic compression payout then listen in on this:
The Dynamic Compression Call
This will explain how it works and the way we want to build our team. It's about 17 minutes in length but explains it well. Let it load up too. Well worth the wait.
To find out more about the the INGREDIENT LIST and how it affects our well-being then click here:
The Ingredient List
So I hope that some of this information will help you make a very informative decision. From today until October 1, 2007 you have the unprecedented opportunity to be a part of the pre-launch of a new brand backed by Bill Farley and endorsed by the Chopra Wellness Center.
When was the last time that a dedicated millionaire offered you a ground-floor business opportunity? Position and timing will create tremendous wealth for the many people who recognize this opportunity.
The Original Amalaki product is fantastic! The compensation plan is generous. Never before in the history of the world has such a ground breaking product launch been available to you. This is truly your time. It is the Amalaki Health Secret Time.
Join my team, the Rock Star Zriim Team. Just remember to get started now.
Call me for help and start making up front money fast by enrolling at the highest level and then getting on the $255 auto ship option. That way you can earn $480 for every person you enroll as a Premium member.
Start now for BEST positioning, as we are team building in a streamlined fashion, and you can potentially earn on every person in your organization that we place beneath you!
I also will provide you with:
Live Team Calls, Daily Conference Calls, "Lead" Training Calls, Local Meetings (with 50 or more attendees), Free Exclusive Team Lead Capture Pages with Autoresponder System, Free Self Replicating Websites, Newspaper Reprints, Optional Paid Marketing Systems, Free Member Training Site, Top Leadership in Maximizing the Compensation Plan, and so much more on our team, pre-register now, then call me asap for your sites and more!
Enter your information on the form above and over to the right and you'll be prompted to the correct place to contact me. You can also go to:
Fill out that form and I will contact you within 24 hours of your sign-up. Your information is kept private and will not be shared with anyone anywhere anytime.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.