Can you feel it? Can you feel the electricity? Can you feel the nervous energy? Can you feel the sense of urgency growing as we move closer and closer to the largest Pre-Launch in the 70-year history of network marketing? We are now just 15 days away and counting!

We've talked about it in our meetings. Every billion dollar company began just like this. Amway began just like this. Herbalife began just like this. NuSkin and Arbonne began just like this. Except...none of these companies had the level of pre-launch activity we do. We are much bigger than they were at the same period in their lifecycle. What will that ultimately mean 10 years from now? 20 years from now? Time will tell.

The degree to which Zrii will become a success is open to conjecture. However, here is a point that is not. All of the volume that comes into our company has only one place to fall. It will fall under one of you. It must. All of the millions and millions of dollars in volume MUST fall under at least one of the IE's who are currently at the dance. So, here's the billion dollar question: How much of it do you want?

Ask any founding distributor of a giant network marketing company if his/her efforts were worth it. Ask them if burning the midnight oil while conducting in-home meetings and coffee shop presentations has paid off. Ask them if helping their family and friends to achieve leadership roles has altered their lifestyle. Ask them if that extra push early in the game was worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars they've received in residual income over the years.

This is ALL available to you right now. But reward comes at a price. All reward comes at a price. At what price are you willing to pay for the rewards of Zrii?
Come join us at your rightful place; At the top.

Have you ever wished you were in the right place at the right time? Well… guess what? You are…
A Billion Dollar Brand is About to Take Flight, and you have the unique opportunity to be at the very top, with a team of successful entrepreneurs and leaders!
Thanks to the leadership of Bill Farley and our incredible product, endorsed by the Chopra Center for Well Being, I have seen explosive growth in our team in just a short time.
Take advantage of our timing and positioning and get in on the ground floor of what is certainly a company that will break records in terms of profitability and long term business success.
We have a wealth of tools, training, systems, and leadership available 24/7 for your success. No need to re-invent the wheel, no need to develop a website, just pre-register and plug into our proven system!
What more needs to be said then it is a Chopra Center endorsed juice that combines the world's greatest rejuvenator, Amalaki, with 6 active ingredients that work in synergy with one another?
Great Testimonies are Already pouring in!
"I feel better, my joints don't hurt, I have tons of energy and I have been getting the sleep of my life. I am also dreaming in technicolor and I can see a bright future with this amazing business."
K.J. - Northern Virginia
Get Started Today, you won't even be charged until October 1, 2007.
Ready to Pre-Register and Get Started On Your Path For Financial Freedom?
- Pre-Register at http://www.zrelaunch.com/jorgearguello
- Complete Your Information
- Choose the $255 Autoship
- Choose the Premium Business Pack
- After completing online registration, fax your paper application to the Rock Star Zriim Team fax line at 530.241.2330

Get Started Now, Call Me For Help and start making up front money fast, enroll on the $255. autoship option and you can earn $480 for every person you enroll as a Premium member.
I urge you to give me a call and get started immediately as we are team building our teams and it is growing fast. Call 530-241-2330
Start Now for BEST Postioning, as we are team building in a streamlined fashion, and you can potentially earn on every person in your organization that I place beneath you!
Join us on our Tuesday and Thursday Night
Live Zrii Opportunity Calls
10 PM EST CALL (712) 432-7600 pin 98765#
Join The Fastest Growing Team with Zrii and have the best support upline available within the network marketing industry.
Why join the Rock Star Zriim Team?
Live Team Calls, Daily Conference Calls, "Lead" Training Calls, Free Exclusive Team Lead Capture Pages with Autoresponder System, Free Self Replicating Websites, Optional Paid Marketing Systems, Free Member Training Site, Top Leadership in Maximizing the Compensation Plan, and so much more on our team, pre-register now, then call me asap for your sites and more!
The Chopra Center for Wellbeing wholeheartedly endorses Zrii, The Original Amalaki. You Get Free Samples available once you enroll.
Learn about the fastest growing networking company in history...
Our Simple Process of Discovery
1. Call 1-800-601-2104 for a 3 minute sizzle call
2. Call 405.244.4116 for our 15 minute CEO Info Line
3. Visit our website at
4. Call in Tuesday and Thursday nights, at 10pm Eastern
Dial (712) 432-7600 pin 98765 #

We look forward to working with you...
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